Seminar Dates

Lakewood - Men - November 3 - 6

Led by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

Monsey - Women - November 10 - 13

Led by Chavie Schwartz

Lakewood - Women - November 17 - 20

Led by Gitty Brief

Brooklyn - Men - December 1 - 4

Led by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

Monsey - Men - December 8 - 11

Led by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

Brooklyn - Women - December 8 - 11

Led by Rachel Leah Ismaili

Israel - Men - January 12 - 15

Led by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

Have you ever felt the tug between being deeply connected to time and yet oddly disconnected from its flow? Join Rebbetzin Leah Glaser on a weekly journey through the Jewish year in a class designed to unveil the profound layers of each month and its festivals.


This weekly shiur draws from the wisdom of Bnei Yissachar and other sources to offer a personal exploration of the Jewish calendar. Rather than letting the year slip by unnoticed, this class empowers us to understand the foundational elements through which Hashem created each month. It reveals both the gifts and challenges inherent in every moment of time.

Content Highlights:

• Insights from Sefer Yetzira and the teachings of the Arizal guide us through the fundamental lessons embedded in each month.

• Explore connections in the aleph-beis, the Shvatim, the mazalot, the five senses, Gematria, and more.

• Gain clarity on "the point of it all," enriching our spiritual practice and fostering deeper personal and emotional connections to our purpose.


An enriching addition to any woman’s life today, the shiur convenes every Monday at 10 AM EST.

Book a One-On-One Session


Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

Founder and visionary of The Possible You and

has counseled thousands of individuals and couples.

Special Women Series

Time (in) Being

Chasidic insight into the Jewish Calendar

With Rebbitzen Leah Glaser

We all know deep down that we’re created in the image of G-d, that we’re here in this world to connect to Him and to our loved ones and that we’re meant to be happy.

So what’s getting in our way?

The Possible You is a game-changing seminar that creates the space for participants to realize their unlimited potential. It is rapidly growing in popularity and is offered in Israel, the US, UK and Canada. There are now more than 13,000 inspired graduates worldwide that credit The Possible You with initiating significant transformation in their lives.

With an intensely paced delivery of profound insights coupled with music, a crucial set of life tools is communicated to the full spectrum of learners in all modalities. Taught by Jerusalem-based teacher Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser Shlita and specially trained staff members, The Possible You is an amalgamation of personal growth wisdom that spans the last several centuries of Jewish thought.

This step-by-step, twenty-four hour course investigates what makes each of us tick. Participants work in new realms of trust and commitment, connecting with truth, respect for one another and respect for themselves. Participants enter as strangers and leave as allies and loving friends, taking a stand for each other’s success in life. They open the door to estranged family members and experience real healing for wounds gathered over life’s journey.

We know that the most valuable parts of our lives are made up of relationships and other seemingly mundane interactions. How can we learn to transform and maximize these and live within the full potential of who we truly can be?

During childhood we inevitably acquire fears and negative patterns, which begin to shape an emerging identity. These patterns follow us into adulthood unconsciously and eventually manifest into problems within relationships and our own feelings of self-worth, limiting our potential for growth and happiness.

The Possible You begins by taking you through your past, showing you who you have been and who you have become. You will learn to identify the root of these fears and the impacts they have on your life and those around you. After the identification process, you can begin to transform your entire life and your relationships with family, friends, financial dealings, parenting and raising children.

Barriers between family and friends are rectified while financial limitations dissolve. You learn to deeply value your relationships and become honest, open and loving in your everyday interactions. Suddenly Hashem’s world opens up to you and is awaiting your input and unique light.

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